Saturday, August 20, 2016

On to Chicago - Day 336-338

August 15-17, 2016
Day 336-338

We just stayed for a quick overnight in Racine but did not look around much because we wanted to get to Chicago the next day.  Below are a couple of pictures of the harbor entrance and the marina, which was huge.

We began to see the Chicago skyline from the lake when we were still 30 miles away.  It was quite a sight as we pulled into the harbor and found our way to our slip at DuSable Harbor Marina.  Below are the daytime and nighttime views from our slip.

We spent a couple of days in Chicago so we could see some of the sights.  One day we went to the Field Museum where among other things we saw the display of the Terra Cota.  Warriors that were buried with the first Emperor of China over 2000 years ago.

One day we went to the Nay Pier which was within walking distance of the marina.  We didn't realize that the Navy Pier is basically a shopping mall.  We did have our Chicago pizza here for lunch.  For supper that night we also had another Chicago delicacy for dinner, a Chicago-style hot dog.  Let me give you a hint:  Don't eat Chicago pizza and Chicago hot dogs on the same day!

While we were on the Navy Pier they must have overheard us talking about leaving the next day because that night they threw us a farewell fireworks show over the harbor right in front of our boat!

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