Sunday, August 14, 2016

Same Song, Different Place, Manitowoc, WI - Day 333-335

August 11 through 13, 2016
Day 333 to Day 335

We arrived in Manitowoc, WI after a long day crossing Lake Michigan.  The next two days were projected to be windy, so we settled in for a couple of more days waiting for the wind to die down.  Saturday looked like a good travel day by the forecast so we planned to go to Milwaukee on Saturday, and then on to Chicago on Sunday.

Every day the 410-foot coal-fired ferry "SS Badger" came into port.  The SS Badger is a passenger and vehicle ferry that has been in service on Lake Michigan since 1953. Currently, the ship shuttles between Ludington, Michigan, and Manitowoc, Wisconsin, connecting U.S. Highway 10 between those two cities. It is the last coal-fired passenger vessel operating on the Great Lakes and was designated a National Historic Landmark on January 20, 2016.  It was quite a sight belching smoke as it came in and went out again.

We walked into town and found a very nice pub called Ryan's on York that served food that was not typical pub fare.  I had a bulgogi steak sandwich (Korean BBQ) and Sharon had Korean tacos.  Each dish came with one pickled green bean that was so delicious we asked the chef to make up a plate of them as an appetizer for us.  We also had a side order if Jamaican Jerk french fries.  Interestingly, the portion sizes were smaller than those typically served in a pub, and the prices were smaller as well.  Very different!

We woke up Saturday morning expecting to travel to Milwaukee only to find that we were fogged in and it was raining, contrary to the forecast.  We decided to wait and see if the weather cleared, but by the time it did it was afternoon and we did not want to start out that late, so we decided to stay another night.  

That evening we walked up to a local Catholic church for Mass to find that it was an outdoor Mass being held just before their annual church picnic.  They called it a "polka" Mass and the music was provided by a polka band.  I must say this is the first polka Mass we have ever attended.  Here is a short video that will give you the flavor:

After Mass, we attended the church picnic for supper.  All of the food and drinks were being sold at the picnic so we didn't feel like we were crashing the party.

On Sunday the weather was calm so we fueled up, pumped out, and got on the way to Milwaukee.  After we were on the lake and the boat was set on autopilot, I began checking my phone for email, news, etc.   I found that Saturday night (the night we were supposed to be in Milwaukee) police had shot and killed a young criminal and riots had broken out in the city not too far from where we were planning to spend the night.  We decided after reading about this racial tension in the city to not stop at Milwaukee and push on another 25 miles to Racine, WI.  This is as close as we got to seeing Milwaukee:

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